Today started off that way.
Went to the bank with my coffee container of pennies to put in the money machine. As the machine got going it seemed to be running awfully slow. I hear some hits down in the reject pocket. A couple of quarters. Huh?? I hear some more hits and more quarters and dimes. I start dreaming of filling my pockets with quarters and dimes until my pants fall off. It finally quit but I ended up with almost five dollars in freebie money. That is better than the best day I've had this year on the beach as far as change.
When I get to the beach I see Dick down the way. I hurry down that way and we talk about how bad conditions are.
I told him I would go back the other way, to a part of the beach that has been renourished. I am kind of discouraged. I'd not gotten one piece of gold off the renourished beach. Not one.
As I swing down I get a couple of junk rings. When I get near where I am going there is a little hole and I wade in. Bingo...maybe Ring Daddy #6. Then a ways further and I pick up the fossil watch still ticking. It looks fogged though??
Here is the mess for the afternoon. The watch looks pretty nice, I should have taken a better picture.
And here is "maybe" Ring Daddy #6. No markings but it feels the right weight. I will get it checked out tomorrow.
All in all, a beautiful day! Have a good one!!